Well, we made it and Jenny and I are still talking! Here are some random facts from our “Endless Summer” trip around the world:
Total days: 179
Countries visited: 12
Number of Continents: 5
Number of Oceans: 3
Hours of flight time: >125
Hours delayed in airports: 19 hrs
Total air miles: 49,000
Total photos taken: 4897
Number of McDonalds passed: hundreds
Number of times eaten at McDonalds: None
Number of games of Backgammon: ~100
Backgammon Score: Alan up by 18 games
Modes of transportation: Planes, trains, automobiles, motorcycles, bicycles, scooters, buses, taxis, boats, helicopters, gondolas, Tuk-Tuks, elephants, parachutes and old fashioned walking.
Favorite place:
Alan: African Game Reserve
Jenny: Thailand
Least favorite place:
Alan: Australia
Jenny: India